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Ratigan Era - Era (Vinyl LP - 2024 - EU - Original)
Ratigan Era - Era (Vinyl LP - 2024 - EU - Original)

Ratigan Era - Era (Vinyl LP - 2024 - EU - Original)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2024
  • PressungOriginal
  • MusiklabelHakuna Kulala
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • FormatLP
  • InterpretRatigan Era
  • MusiktitelEra
  • EAN00768558900622
  • Artikelnr.395200473866
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[FRN]Dancehall might have emerged in Jamaica, but over the last few decades the popular genre's tendrils have stretched out across the globe. In Kampala, Ratigan Era is adding a distinct Ugandan twist to dancehall, fusing it with East African humor and hyper-melodic afrobeats elements imported from Ghana and Nigeria. The versatile MC grew up listening to Jamaican music like Vybz Kartel, Busy Signal and Mavado - in his hometown of Kawempe there was almost no way to avoid it - and it blurred into the background, blending with local church music, US hip-hop and radio pop. He developed this diverse range of influences into a completely unique Afro-dancehall flow that simmers between Luganda, patois, Spanish and English, reflecting the melting pot of cultures and dialects that characterizes contemporary Africa.

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